Standard Interiors (1960’s thru 1980’s)
Many of the standard interiors had “marbled” color vinyl with a heat sealed embossed pattern.
The vinyl was made exclusively for Correct Craft and was never available to the aftermarket.
We have alternative options for your review.
We offer several options including heat sealed pleated, sewn diamond and a variety of sewn in stripes that provide the “old school” look of these older boats.
Design Options
Design # 1

Design # 2

Design # 3

Design # 4

Design # 5

Design # 6

Design # 7

Design # 8

Design # 9

Design # 10

Design # 11

1 – Snap Layout
2 – Backrest Width Measurement
3 – Bottom Width Measurement
If you have a Stern Seat:
To obtain the Snap Layout, remove the stern backrest off your boat.
While standing in the boat, measure on the boat, center to center of snap for an accurate measurement. Or, you can cut off the original snap strip section from your backrest, send it to us to use for a template.
Your boat will have only either 7 or 9 snaps
If you never had a Stern Seat, we will still need the above. You can choose the 7 or 9 Snap Layout.
Measure inside your boat the width you would like the Back & Bottom to be. You can Copy & Paste these templates for your order.